Field Seminar B 2009-2010, Weeks 5-6

Week 5 : (30 Oct) Raj Chari: Interest Groups in the EU

Frank Baumgartner and Beth L. Leech.  2001.  “Interest Niches and Policy Bandwagons: Patterns of Interest Group Involvement in National Politics.” The Journal of Politics 63(4): 1191-1212.

Burson-Marsteller,2005. The Definitive Guide to Lobbying in European In European Institutions " Based on a survey of the EP, the Council and the Commission (Spring; valuable analysis from more of a practitioner perspective).

David Coen. 1997. ‘The Evolution of the large firm as a political actor in the EU’, JEPP, 4.1 Justin Greenwood. 2007.  Interest Representation in the EU 2nd ed. (Palgrave)

Christine Mahoney, 2007, ‘Lobbying Success in the US and the EU’, Journal of Public Policy, Vol 27/1, 44-45

Sonia Mazey and Jeremy Richardson, 2006. ‘Interest Groups and EU Policy Making: Organizational logic and venue-shopping’ in Richardson (ed.) Power and Policy Making in the EU 3rd ed (Routledge)

Silke M. Trommer and Raj Chari. 2006. ‘The Council of Europe: Interest Groups and Ideological Missions?’ West European Politics, Vol. 29, No. 4, 665 " 686, September 2006 (available on my webpage)

Woll C. 2006. ‘Lobbying in the EU: from sui generis to a comparative perspective’ Journal of European Public Policy vol 14. 3, 456-69

Week 6: (6 Nov) Raj Chari: Regulating EU Interest Groups

Bertók, János.  2008.  Lobbyists, Governments and Public Thrust: Building a Legislative Framework for Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Lobbying. Paris: OECD.

Brinig, Margaret F., Randall G. Holcombe. and Linda Schwartzstein.  1993.  “The Regulation of Lobbyists.” Public Choice 77 (2): 377-384.

Chari, Raj, Gary Murphy, and J. W. Hogan.  2007.  “Regulating Lobbyists: A Comparative Analysis of the USA, Canada, Germany and the European Union.” The Political Quarterly 78 (3): 422-438.

Dinan, William.  2006.  “Learning Lessons?  The Registration of Lobbyists at the Scottish Parliament.” Journal of Communication Management 10 (1): 55-66

Greenwood, Justin.  1998.  “Regulating Lobbying in the European Union.” Parliamentary Affairs 51(4): 587-599

Hogan, Murphy and Chari, ‘Next Door they have regulation, but not here…’, Canadian Political Science Review 2(3), September 2008.

Nolan Committee.  1995.  Standards in Public Life, Vol. I, Cm 2850-I HMSO, London, available at:

Opheim, Cynthia.  1991.  “Explaining the Differences in State Lobby Regulations.” The Western Political Quarterly 44 (2): 405-421

Public Administration Select Committee. 2009. Lobbying: Access and Influence in Whitehall, London: The Stationary Office (available at; along with the Nolan Committee Report above, this will give you a good idea on how the UK has evolved in terms of ideas regarding lobbying laws)

Thomas, Clive S.  1998.  “Interest Group Regulation Across the United States: Rationale, Development and Consequences.” Parliamentary Affairs 51 (4): 500-515.

Week 7: (13 Nov) Reading Week (No class)

Ken Benoit
Ken Benoit
Professor of Computational Social Science
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